
Which is the appropriate quality class?

Before applying for a specific star class, read operator quality classification and requirement catalogue in order to learn if your charter base(s) matches the requested criteria.

Read about Operator Classification
Read about Quality Requirements


Certification License

YachtCheck Quality Certificate (Example)

Yacht Charter companies can subscribe their charter base(s) to one of the 5-Star YachtCheck® Quality Classes. A subscription license is valid until the 31st December of the same year.

YachtCheck® Quality Certificate

License fee

For the certification process there are the following license fees charged per charter base. For a 4 and 5 star certification an inspection by a YachtCheck® represantative at the local charter base(s) is mandatory and included in the fee.

  • 1, 2 or 3 Star: 490 EUR
  • 4 or 5 Star: 950 EUR

For the certification of multiple charter bases within one region (<300 km radius) and or small charter bases (< 5 yachts) a discount of 40% is given.

The certification fee is due at the beginning of each certification period and will be charged by credit card withdrawl.

YachtCheck® - Steps for subscription

Please follow subscription steps in order to apply for certification:

  • 1. Before you apply for a specific star class, please read charter operator classification.
  • 2. For the operator classification(s) that appear to match your operator profile, please carefully check essential requirements.
  • 3. If single requirements are not fulfilled yet, evaluate if the missing requirements can be completed by your own companies efforts.
  • 4. In case your company operates charter multiple bases, decide which certification class should be applied to which base.
  • 5. Download Subscription form with the button below.
  • 6. Fill out Subscription form for your charter base(s), sign it and fax it back to YachtCheck®.
  • 7. After the subscription fee will be withdrawn, allow up to 4 weeks before certification procedure can start.

Download YachtCheck® Subscription Form (PDF, 42 KB)

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